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Culture Pledge: Bringing Tarot Cards to Life in Photos: Interview with Nicolas Bruno

"As a conceptual photographer, Nicolas uses art to share his experiences of sleep paralysis, a terrifying condition he’s suffered from for most of his life. If you’re unfamiliar with sleep paralysis, that’s ok, I was too! I first found out about it a couple years ago when I did another interview with Nicolas about his haunting imagery. It’s a debilitating condition that he is forced to live with, but bringing it in front of the camera helps – the ultimate form of art therapy.

This past year, instead of sitting idly and waiting out lockdown restrictions and isolation, Nicolas developed a 78-image photo series that interprets the entirety of the classic Tarot through photography, costume design, and sculpture. Each image is influenced by his dream journal and sleep paralysis experiences.

I talk to Nicolas about his new series and upcoming exhibition, how the pandemic has impacted his work, what keeps him motivated, and the importance of community. - Jennifer Berube"

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